robertocarroll / chatui

How to make MEN part of the fabric of the city - Issues are the main issue tracker for this project
MIT License
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How to make Manchester Evening News part of the fabric of the city.

Exploring what lies between the physical newspaper and the digital web/app. What are the physical manifestations of news in a city? The project targets the mobile audience and the local audience.


I have arrived at the Central Library in Manchester. I am meeting a friend at the cafe and I have a few minutes to spare. I see the sign about having a conversation with building itself. Intrigued I pull out my phone and text "Hello" to the number.



Diagram of possible uses of MEN project

Aims / Guides

Principles / Thoughts

Phase 2 update (28 November 2014)

During the process of building this project, the targeted and specific nature of the tasks seems to be vital over general commands, e.g. instead of "latest news" get latest news about the Central Library or instead of "weather" tell me if it is going to rain in an hour.

We have to do the work so the user does not have to.


Need Redis running to run Hubot locally: redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis.conf

To launch: bin/hubot


  1. "hello" -
  2. "latest news" -
  3. "local news" -
  4. "weather" -
  5. "old image" / "old picture" -


  1. Topics.js goes and gets the title, date and url from an MEN topic page.
  2. Articles.js uses the result of topics.js to get the body text for each article.
  3. Wordcount.js counts the words in these articles - calculates the total words and reading time.

Hubot / Twilio adapter

"hubot-twilio": "Queens-Hacks/hubot-twilio"