robertsmd / autogroupchat

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Autogroupchat consists of two modular pieces: scrapers and makers. Scrapers are designed to get data from a spreadsheet online. The first scraper built was for Google Sheets. Makers are designed to create a group chat from the data scraped by the scraper. The first maker built was for GroupMe.

Lastly, autogroupchat is meant to be able to deploy as a function on any cloud. Initially it was implemented on Google cloud.

Spreadsheet layout




To implement a new scraper, subclass AutoScrapeGroup


Authentication is module specific, but is intended to be provided in a json config file starting with the prefix config_. For instance, config_googleapi.json is the default config file for the Google Sheets plugin.

Scraper Modules

Google Sheets

Google sheets is based on the following Google tutorial:

In order to set up authentication, move the credentials.json described in the tutorial to config_googleapi.json in the root of this project. If using 0Auth, users must run the module in order to setup the 0Auth token. If a user runs autogroupchat/scrapers/, it will prompt you to login and grant initial access. It will write (by default) the token to config_googleapi_token.json. This can be copied into the cloud and run without user interaction. *WARNING: be careful with any of the `config_.json` files, they will provide at least API access to your account's resources.**



To implement a new maker, subclass AutoMakeGroupChat


Authentication is module specific, but is intended to be provided in a json config file starting with the prefix config_. For instance, config_groupme.json is the default config file for the GroupMe plugin.

Maker Modules


  1. API access to GroupMe starts by going to

  2. Click login in the top right corner, or go to and login with your username/email/phone number and password. This will require a 2FA PIN confirmation to your phone number on the account. Login Screen!

  3. Once logged in, you can see documentation of the HTTP REST API. Alternately, you can use a python wrapper. This module used groupy

  4. Click "Access Token" in the top right corner. Home

  5. Copy the access token (WARNING: Don't share this. Someone with this token can act on your behalf on GroupMe.) Access Token

  6. Paste the access token into config_groupme.json Config File

Cloud deployment

Google Cloud deployment

Cloud deployment was initially done based on this tutorial: Reference this tutorial if setting up autogroupchat for the first time.

The tutorial goes through these rough steps:

  1. Enable Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

  2. Schedule a job with Google Cloud Scheduler

    2.1. Timing: schedule the job for daily at 7am using the cron line 0 7 * * *or every sunday at 7am using the cron line 0 7 * * SUN.

    2.2. Target: Pub/Sub. The topic prefix will be set based on the project, the sub-topic should be test or prod or something else based on your use case.

    2.3. Advanced: optional retry settings

  3. Create a Google Cloud Function

    3.1. Tab 1 - Trigger: Pub/Sub. The topic should be the same as in 2.2.

    3.2. Tab 2 - Runtime: Pick the most recent Python version. Built initially using 3.10

    3.3. Tab 2 - Copy all of into

    3.4. Tab 2 - requirements.txt: Copy all of requirements.txt into requirements.txt

    3.5. Tab 2 - configs: copy all the config files from configs_templates folder into configs. Make sure there are no stubbed <> tags in the config files-- populate them with real data.

    3.6. Tab 3 - configs: copy the files from the configs folder into the Cloud Function at the same level as (for google sheets --> groupme, your project should look like the screenshot below and should include configs: config_googlesheets_groupme.json, config_googleapi_token.json.json, config_googleapi.json, and config_groupme.json)

    Google Cloud Function source

  4. Setup an alert if there are errors

    4.1. Go to the Logs tab in the Google Cloud Functiono created above

    4.2. Click View in Log Explorer

    4.3. In log explorer, click Create Alert

    4.3.1. Pick a name for the alert message
    4.3.2. Choose logs to include in the alert (to alert on). (Recommend: `severity="ERROR"`)
    4.3.3. Set Notification Frequency and Autoclose Duration. Notification frequency is how often to send an alert if they are constantly erroring, Autoclose duration is when to automatically resolve the notification. 
    4.3.4. Set who should be notified. You can go into `Manage Notification Channels` to add a way to notify yourself.

    4.4. To manage later, go to
