robinNcode / db_craft

DB Craft - CodeIgniter 4 Seeder, Migration Generator
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cli codeigniter4 migrations package php seeders specification


DB-Craft is a package for CodeIgniter 4 that provides convenient commands to generate migration and seeder files from a connected database.


You can install the DB-Craft package via Composer by running the following command:

composer require robinncode/db_craft


DB-Craft has the following dependencies:


DB-Craft comes with the following commands:

Generate Migration Files

To generate all migration files from the connected database, run the following command:

php spark get:migration

To generate migration files for a specific table, run the following command:

php spark get:migration table_name

Replace table_name with the name of the specific table for which you want to generate migration files.

Generate Seeder Files

To generate all seeder files from the connected database, run the following command:

php spark get:seed

To generate seeder files for a specific table with table data, run the following command:

php spark get:seed table_name

Replace table_name with the name of the specific table for which you want to generate seeder files.


DB-Craft is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.