robinsving / pf2e-item-revitalizer

Module for handling Item obsolesence after system updates
MIT License
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Module for handling Item obsolesence after PF2e system updates. This module performs a likeness check between Items in the PF2e Compendium and the corresponding items (copies) on the Actors in your game. It compares certain properties of the items and identifies any differences or changes.

There are three components:


Add or locate the PF2e Item Revitalizer in the modules menu

How to start Character selection

Run from the Actor Sheet

  1. Open up an Actor Sheet
  2. Click the Revitalize link in the top bar to run Revitalizer Checker for this Actor

Run from the Actor Tab

  1. Open up an Actor Tab
  2. Optionally, make a search
  3. Click the Revitalize link () to create a Selection Dialog with the current search results
  4. Select Actors and click proceed to run the Revitalizer Checker for the selected Actors

Run from the Scene Tab

  1. Open up an Scene Tab
  2. Click the Revitalize link () to create a Selection dialog with the current Scene's Actors


Check for outdated Items

Automatic Item updates using Refresh ()

Automatic Item updates using Revitalize () as a backup

Player mode


GM only

By default, the GM is the only one who is allowed to run this module. They have the option to turn it on for Players, but it will be limited only to Actors they own.

Allow Refreshing using backup solution

Enables Automatic Item updates. Off by default, as there is a slight risk that the Item (and in some cases Actor) will have issues.


If you want to report an issue you may want to investigate the issue first. Turning this on will give you a lot of information on the console log.

Simplified Rule Element discovery

Simpler Rule change discoveries. Gives fewer false positives, but also misses more true positives

Ignored Actor Items (client)

The Hide button in the results dialog will allow GMs to hide Items on future runs.

Ignored Item properties (client)

Listing a property here will allow you to ignore certain properties, like "rules" or "icon-link". This will mean faster runs, and no Automatic Item updates for that property.


This module is designed for use with the PF2e system in Foundry VTT. It is not compatible with other game systems on Foundry VTT


This module is a use-at-own-risk, as updates of Items may have unforseen consequences. There is of course a Setting to toggle the backup-solution, so that you can use this module with the Refresh-parts only.

It should also be noted here that the changes may contain false positives, as well as a lack of true positives. The reason for this is that it works on a subset of the real Items' properties, as many of the properties are modified when the Item is added to the Actor.


Reporting issues

If you discover any issues with this module, please create an issue in the Github repo

Common issues looking like false positives

  1. Updates of PF2e icon names Description, e.g. action-glyph are not visible without the debugger
  2. Updates of inline rolls, usually from [/r 1d6] to @Damage[1d6] are not visible without the debugger
  3. Updates of Item images ("icon-link") to higher quality images are not always easy to spot
  4. PF2e sometimes adds values to null-data when an Item is copied to an Actor

Using debug mode to find issues


This module is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information


This module was created by Robin Sving. If you have any questions, please reach out to me on Github