A quick command line tool to get your geographic coordinates using the OS X CoreLocation framework, and optionally get human-readable geolocation data (address, etc.) via the OpenCage API.
Download a zip with the latest version here. As the app is unsigned, on newer versions of Mac OS, you will need to right-click (or control-click) the zip
file to open it. See Apple's Knowledge Base for more information.
Open with Finder to execute, or in the terminal. If it can determine a location, it will output longitude, latitude, accuracy in meters and the time the location was found. WhereAmI tries to get a recent location, and will not display one if it is more than a minute old (to avoid inaccurate results from CoreLocation's cached data). If it cannot get location data, it will quit and print an error message.
Latitude: 45.424807,
Longitude: -75.699234
Accuracy (m): 65.000000
Timestamp: 2019-09-28, 12:40:20 PM EDT
(Available from version 1.1)
Use the -k
flag, followed by your OpenCage API key (available here), to get human readable location data.
whereami -k API_KEY_HERE
Latitude: 45.424807,
Longitude: -75.699234
Accuracy (m): 65.000000
Timestamp: 2019-09-28, 12:40:20 PM EDT
111 Wellington St, Ottawa,ON K1A 0A6, Canada
This is provided on an as-is basis. I make no guarantees or warranties as to its accuracy, stability or compatibility. It should be compatible with Mac OS 10.7 and above. Feel free to do with it as you wish.
. Shouldn't be any practical changes, but it's good form.