roborescue / rcrs-server

RoboCup Rescue Simulator
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
38 stars 45 forks source link

= Robocup Rescue Simulation Server :author: RoboCup Rescue Team :nofooter:

(Linux) Instructions to download, build and run the RoboCup Rescue Simulator (RCRS)

== Software Pre-Requisites

== Installation

=== Download project from GitHub

$ git clone

=== Compile the project

$ cd rcrs-server

$ ./gradlew completeBuild

=== Execute the Rescue Simulation Server

Open a terminal window, navigate to the rcrs-server root directory and execute

$ cd scripts

$ ./ -m ../maps/test/map -c ../maps/test/config

== Tools

=== Map Editor

Open a terminal window, navigate to the rcrs-server root directory and execute

$ ./gradlew gmlEditor --args='<map file path>'

where --args=<map file path> is optional.

==== Example

./gradlew gmlEditor --args='maps/test/map/map.gml'

=== Scenario Editor

Open a terminal window, navigate to the rcrs-server root directory and execute

$ ./gradlew scenarioEditor --args='<scenario path>'

where --args=<scenario path> is optional.

==== Example

./gradlew scenarioEditor --args='maps/test/map'

=== Random Scenario

Open a terminal window, navigate to the rcrs-server root directory and execute

$ ./gradlew randomScenario --args="'<map path>' <options>"

where <map path> is the path to the map directory and <options> are the minimum and maximum value for each entity in the scenario. The <options> are optional.

==== Example

./gradlew randomScenario --args="'../maps/test/map' -civ 0 100 -fb 0 10 -fs 0 1 -pf 0 10 -po 0 1 -at 0 5 -ac 0 0 -refuge 0 2 -fire 0 0"

=== Log Viewer

Open a terminal window, navigate to the rcrs-server root directory and execute

$ ./gradlew logViewer --args="'-c' '<config file>' '<log path>'"

where <config file> is the path to the log viewer configuration file, default config/logviewer.cfg. The <log path> is the rescue log file path, default logs/log/rescue.log.

==== Example

./gradlew logViewer --args="'-c' 'maps/test/config/logviewer.cfg' 'logs/log/rescue.log.7z'"

=== osm2gml

Open a terminal window, navigate to the rcrs-server root directory and execute

$ ./gradlew osm2gml --args="'<osm map path>' '<gml map path>'"

The <osm map path> is the path to the OSM map file and the <gml map path> is the destination GML map path.

==== Example

./gradlew osm2gml --args="'/home/user/newmap.osm' '/home/user/newmap.gml'"

== Known Problems

=== Slow agent connection If the scenario have many agents, the agents connection to the server may slow down at certain moment. To overcome this issue, you should

  1. Install the rng-tools package
  2. Edit the /etc/defaults/rng-tools and add the line HRNGDEVICE=/dev/urandom
  3. Start the rng daemon /etc/init.d/rng-tools start

[IMPORTANT] This instructions are valid for Ubuntu. The package name and initialization commands may change on other distributions.

== Support

To report a bug, suggest improvements or request support, please open an issue at GitHub