roborourke / wp-l10n-gen

Modern translation file generation for WP
8 stars 3 forks source link
l10n translation wordpress wp-cli wp-cli-package

Modern Translation File Generator for WordPress

Previously WordPress developers needed to use makepot.php to generate the .po files necessary for translation.

This WP CLI command allows you to generate different types of translation file from WP code and also convert between types easily.

Supported translation file types are:


You can install the command as WP CLI package (Recommended):

wp package install roborourke/wp-l10n-gen

Using composer:

composer require roborourke/wp-l10n-gen

As a plugin:

git clone 
cd wp-l10-gen
composer install
wp plugin activate wp-l10n-gen # (or activate via wp-admin)


More docs to come soon, to see options for now run:

wp l10n generate --help
wp l10n convert --help
wp l10n po2mo --help



Being frustrated with the existing tools for generating translation files I wondered if there was a better way that more closely tied in with the modern ways we interact with WP via the command line now.

Looking to other PHP Projects and how they manage translations was a useful exercise although WP's translation function don't follow the usual standards. A bit of hacking later and I was able to get Oscar Otero's excellent Gettext library working with WordPress code.


It's very early days yet but if anyone finds this useful and wants to contribute please go ahead. You'll find my outline for a roadmap above and plenty of TODO comments in the code.

