robotflow-initiative / dipgrasp

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DiPGrasp: Parallel Local Searching for Efficient Differentiable Grasp Planning

Paper | Project Page

This repository contains the implementation of the paper:

DiPGrasp: Parallel Local Searching for Efficient Differentiable Grasp Planning
Wenqiang Xu, Jieyi Zhang, Tutian Tang, Zhenjun Yu, Yutong Li, Cewu Lu (* = Equal contribution)
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters


The code could run on both Linux and Windows system.

Set up the environments with conda and pip

Install anaconda or miniconda. Supposing that the name dipgrasp is used for conda environment:

conda create -n dipgrasp python=3.10
conda activate dipgrasp

Then, install dependencies with pip install

pip install -r requirements.txt --no-deps

Download the essential components

We upload the objects mentioned in paper and some essential components on
You can follow the instructions to download the assets. After downloading, you should move the assets directory to the project main directory:

mv path/to/assets .

Install the essential dependencies for RFUniverse simulator

Please use the following command to install the dependency libraries for RFUniverse:

sudo apt install minizip libc6-dev

If you are using Ubuntu 22.04, you’ll also need to run this additional command:

sudo ln -s /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

This version is structured to guide users step-by-step, making it easy to follow.

Generate the grasp pose for one object

You can run the following command to generate the grasp pose:


We use Schunk SVH hand as our default gripper. You could see the object and the gripper with generated pose after it generate each batch of pose.

The output pose will be saved at output directory, consisting of two numpy files pose.npy and joint_state.npy. The pose.npy contains a numpy array with shape (N, 4, 4), while the joint_state.npy contains a numpy array with shape (N, D), where N is the number of generated poses and the D is the DoF of the gripper.

To generate the pose with other grippers, you could use the following command:

python gripper=shadow

where the shadow could be repleced by svh or barrett.

To get the subtle and stable pose where the gripper contacts with the object surface, we use the RFUniverse as the simulator to refine the generated poses. You can use the following command to get the refined poses:

python datafile=assets/object/class/drink/drink9/drink9.obj simulator=True visualize_setting.visualize=False visualize_setting.visualize_after_simulator=True

You may notice that we change the target object file, because the simulator needs a mesh file rather than pointcloud.

Generate the grasp pose for a batch of object

To generate a large number of poses on different objects, we provide a script file, you can run the following command to generate the poses:

python scripts/ 

The poses saved have passed through the simulator by default. You could also alter the gripper type by adding gripper parameter. The number of generated poses will be logged into results.log.

You could generate grasp poses on your own objects by modifying the script. The simulator only supports object with .obj format.

Adapting to Custom Hand Models

If you're interested in applying our algorithm to your custom hand model, you can easily do so by following these steps:

  1. Generate the Point Cloud XML File:

    • First, obtain the palmar side point cloud XML file. We've provided a point cloud generator as discussed in Section IV.D of our paper. You can find this tool in the assets/xml_generator directory. For detailed instructions, check out this document.
  2. Organize Your Files:

    • Place the generated XML file alongside your hand URDF file and any related description files within the assets/gripper directory. Ensure they follow the same format as the hand models we currently support.
  3. Update Configuration Files:

    • Add a new gripper configuration file to the conf/gripper directory, similar to the existing gripper configuration files.
  4. Modify the Main Script:

    • Include the name of your new hand model in the list within at line 113.
  5. Adjust Initial Position Settings:

    • Ensure that the hand is oriented correctly towards the object in its initial position. You can tweak the init_sample_config function in and look at the correct_coordinate function in for guidance.

By following these steps, you'll be able to integrate your custom hand model into our system.


If you find our code or paper useful, please consider citing

      title = {DiPGrasp: Parallel Local Searching for Efficient Differentiable Grasp Planning},
      author = {Xu, Wenqiang and Zhang, Jieyi and Tang, Tutian and Yu, Zhenjun and Li, Yutong and Lu, Cewu},
      journal = {IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},
      year = {2024},
      publisher = {IEEE},