Closed spooning closed 9 years ago
Originally submitted to Google Code by @yanne on 8 Dec 2010
This has to be investigated.
Originally submitted to Google Code by @pekkaklarck on 13 Jan 2011
I added a test for using this in revision ee63583484 and surprisingly it passed. Could you sajjadmalang provide more information about your failure? It would be best if you could provide a simple example demonstrating the problem.
Originally submitted to Google Code by @pekkaklarck on 17 Jan 2011
Descoping due to lack of information.
Originally submitted to Google Code by @pekkaklarck on 27 Apr 2011
Closing due to lack of information.
short description:
When I pass arguments with accented characters to "call selenium api" they are not handled correctly.
long description:
I have a keyword to check if an element is present on a page as below.
${api ret} = | Call Selenium API | isElementPresent | ${locator}
(Im calling the api directly as i dont want this is to fail just for the check. Calling it through rf-sel and ignoring error the means i till have an error in the report.)
If I pass an xpath locator with accented characters in it; it always returns false. I could see in the trace that é are replaced with \xe9. And thats the reason it is not able to find it.
When I pass the same locator to "page should contain element" it works but as it also calls isElementPresent; directly calling it should also work.
My setup is Windows XP sp3/Firefox 3.6.10/Python2.7/Jython2.5.1