This library is deprecated. Please use Selenium2Library <>
_ instead.
SeleniumLibrary is a test library for Robot Framework that enables testing
of web applications. As the name suggests, it uses Selenium tool <>
internally. Because it uses the deprecated
Selenium 1.0 version also the library itself is deprecated. All new projects
should use Selenium2Library and existing users are also recommended to upgrade
to it.
This projects has been migrated from dying Google Code <>
If you have pip installed, you can install SeleniumLibrary by running::
pip install --upgrade robotframework-seleniumlibrary
For other alternatives and more information in general see <INSTALL.rst>
To run tests with Robot Framework and SeleniumLibrary following things must be done
Robot Framework User Guide
__ for more -jar [path_to_server]/selenium_server.jar
, where [path_to_server]
depends on platform. On Windows it will be
and on Linux it is
typically something like
. __
General library usage and available keywords are documented in library documentation <>
Wiki <>
contains additional
information. Some information there is outdated, though, and some links point to the
old Google Code