Closed spooning closed 9 years ago
Originally submitted to Google Code by genglz1983 on 21 Feb 2011
I use Flex builder 4 to compile.When i am debugging,Flex builder reports error: SecurityError: Error #2142: 安全沙箱冲突:本地 SWF 文件不能使用 LoaderContext.securityDomain 属性。file:///D:/MyEclipse%208.x/Workspaces/Lego-UI-Tag/src/org/apache/struts2/static/flex/LoginApp.swf 正在尝试加载 file:///D:/MyEclipse%208.x/Workspaces/Lego-UI-Tag/src/org/apache/struts2/static/flex/FlexPilot.swf。
Originally submitted to Google Code by @pekkaklarck on 22 Feb 2011
1) Are you able to run tests successfully with the original swf?
2) Did you have FPBootstrap package in source path when you compiled the source? See FlexTesting wiki page for more information about compile and execution time dependencies.
Originally submitted to Google Code by genglz1983 on 22 Feb 2011
1)It can run successful with the original swf; 2)I have added the FPBootstrap package into the source path.I have reference FlexTesting wiki page, but still not successful。Coulld you please provide detailed compiling steps.
Originally submitted to Google Code by @yanne on 22 Feb 2011
The demo is compiled with Flex sdk 3, and uses FlexPilot compiled with Flex sdk 3. If you compile with Flex 4, you need to replace the FlexPilot.swf used in the demo (located in demoapp/flex) with a version compiled with Flex 4 ( That should do the trick.
Originally submitted to Google Code by @pekkaklarck on 27 Apr 2011
Closin due to lack of information.
1.I directly compile the Flex source file in Demo package without any modification to LoginApp.swf,; 2.replace the original LoginApp.swf,and execute; 3.but execute command "Select Flex Application loginApp" fail.
error: 11:18:14.830 INFO - Command request: isElementPresent[loginApp, ] on session f9d589dbbc8c497e961efe2fad767546 11:18:14.845 INFO - Got result: OK,true on session f9d589dbbc8c497e961efe2fad767546 11:18:14.845 INFO - Command request: waitForFlexReady[loginApp, 5.0] on session f9d589dbbc8c497e961efe2fad767546 11:18:19.861 INFO - Got result: Timed out after 5000.0ms on session f9d589dbbc8c497e961efe2fad767546