robotframework / OldSeleniumLibrary

Deprecated Selenium library for Robot Framework
Apache License 2.0
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Values selecting in dropdown but shows error in selenium.log #197

Closed spooning closed 9 years ago

spooning commented 9 years ago

Originally submitted to Google Code by balakuma... on 24 Jun 2011

Given locator for the drop-downs is identified & given values for the drop-downs also selected in application but in selenium.log it shows as "Got result: ERROR: Could not find element attribute: ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_TCVendor_TabCreate_ctl00_uxeddLowerLimit_EditableDropDown@⁠multiple" these '@⁠multiple' i haven't gave. '@⁠multiple' is displaying for all the other dropdown locators.

Library version-2.7 Python-27 OS-MS XP2002

Regards, Bala

spooning commented 9 years ago

Originally submitted to Google Code by @yanne on 8 Aug 2011

This is actually because some of the list keywords try to figure out whether they are dealing with a single select (combo box) or multi select list. They test this by using selenium's get_attribute method, which causes the failure you see when dealing with combo boxes.

So, while I understand that it might be annoying to see errors in the selenium log, I don't think we are going to change this behavior anytime soon.