Closed spooning closed 9 years ago
Originally submitted to Google Code by @pekkaklarck on 20 Jul 2011
I can reproduce the same problem on Linux with Firefox 4 and Google Chrome. This keyword calls Selenium APIs pretty much directly so I doubt the problem is in the library.
My guess is that jQueryUI implements dragging in a way that is not compatible with Selenium. If you want to study this further, you could try can you automate dragging the same element using Selenium IDE. Google search might also give some information about the possible problem.
Originally submitted to Google Code by Jason.Ga... on 21 Jul 2011
Thank you for looking into this. Selenium IDE does not seem to be able to handle this as well. I will look into calling mouse down/move events to try and drag/drop objects.
Originally submitted to Google Code by @yanne on 14 Dec 2011
Seems that there's nothing we can do on SeleniumLibrary side to fix/help this.
I am testing the Drag And Drop functionality in SeleniumLibrary (v. 2.7). The Robot Framework version is 2.5.6. Python version 2.6.6, Jython version 2.5.2.
The OS is WIndows XP Professional, browsers are IE8 & FFX 3.6
I run the scripts using the command:
My test case is as follows:
DD Test Open Browser ie Maximize Browser Window Set Selenium Speed 2 Element Should Be Visible draggable Drag And Drop draggable +50 -35
When the test runs in internet explorer, the page loads and the 'draggable' square moves up and to the left, off of the screen and then the test hangs (no matter what movement coordinates I provide). With FFX, nothing happens and the test hangs.
Please advise if I am using the 'Drag And Drop' keyword incorrectly.