Closed spooning closed 9 years ago
Originally submitted to Google Code by mangaroo on 16 Oct 2011
forgot to mention "." serves also can serve as string concatenator in PHP snippet above.
Originally submitted to Google Code by @yanne on 16 Oct 2011
I agree that these seem quite borderline keywords, but since they are quite difficult to implement as user keywords, I think we can consider adding them.
Originally submitted to Google Code by @pekkaklarck on 4 May 2012
Selenium RC has been deprecated and developing this library is thus ending. Selenium 2 (a.k.a. WebDriver) and Selenium2Library are the way forward. If you feel this issue is important, consider submitting it to the issue tracer of Selenenium2Library project.
I may submit a patch with the requested enhancement later on, but in either case, entering issue for tracking purposes and as FYI.
I came across this need in another Selenium project. Perhaps a corner seldom used case, but there may be times this would be a useful keyword.
Suggested keywords:
Can be implemented similar to this PHP code snippet, where $this is the selenium object:
//adapted from