robotframework / OldSeleniumLibrary

Deprecated Selenium library for Robot Framework
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Text field values not saved in ZK application #228

Closed spooning closed 9 years ago

spooning commented 9 years ago

Originally submitted to Google Code by test.exp... on 17 Feb 2012

We are developing a tool using ZK framework that is used to extract some data from database and export(FTP the data files) it to a specified location. So the GUI consists of adding a Export Target, configure database extraction details and configuring Export Type and Run export now functions. I am using Selenium Library in Robotframework to test this application.

We have integrated a consistent UUID generator for the ZK application to develop a consistent ID so that Selenium can be used to test it. I record the actions in Selenium IDE and manually write the equivalent steps in Roboframework using Selenium Library.

Steps: Open Export Target tool (web application, opens a window) Select a Target from the table Click "Open Configure Data types for the selected Target" button This opens a new popup window (component) Select a Data type from the table Click "open Configure Data Attributes for selected data type" button This opens a new popup window (component) Open the tree (which lists the data attributes in rows and has 3 columns in table with data attribute in 1st column, checkbox in 2nd column, text filed to enter export name in 3rd column) Select a data attribute checkbox, change the default export name and click OK Config Data Attributes window is closed and Config Data type window is shown Select the same Data type again and Open the "Configure Data Attributes" window to verify that changes are saved

Expected:- Above selected checkbox is still selected and New Export name entered above is displayed

Actual:- It is observed that the new export name is not saved, instead it shows the default name. And checkbox is selected (only when Click Element command is used above. If Select Checkbox command is used, it is not saved)

This is a problem only with Automation tool. Application works fine, that is the results are as expected when run manually.

Library Versions: Robotframework: 2.6.3 SeleniumLibrary Python 2.7 Jython 2.5 Windows 7 64 bit machine

spooning commented 9 years ago

Originally submitted to Google Code by test.exp... on 17 Feb 2012

I have similar issue with other function as well.

Steps: Open Export Target tool Select a Target Click "Open Target Type configuration" button This opens a new popup window with target selection dropdown and text fields to enter Hostname, username, password etc,. Select a Target type from dropdown list Enter details in all text fields And click OK button Open "Configure Export Type" again and Verify the values are saved

Expected:- All values entered in above step are saved.

Actual:- The dropdown list has the selected value, but all text fields have lost the values entered and are blank.

Again this is a problem only with Automation tool. Application works fine, that is the results are as expected when run manually.

Same library version and system details as above.

spooning commented 9 years ago

Originally submitted to Google Code by test.exp... on 17 Feb 2012

I have solved another issue which I had, but unable to resolve the above two. The issue I solved is: Steps: Open Export Target tool Click on "Add New Target" button A popup is displayed with a Textfield to enter the Name with OK and Cancel buttons Enter the Name and click OK

Expected:- New target name is displayed in the list of Targets in the Table

Actual:- Blank (or Empty) name is added to the list

I resolved this issue by adding fireEvent(text field locator, blur) in Selenium IDE and below commands in robotframework Call Selenium Api type xpath=//input New Call Selenium Api fireevent xpath=//input blur Call Selenium Api focus xpath=//[.='OK']
Click Element xpath=//_[.='OK'] 1m

I tried the similar steps to above two issues reported, but they don't work.

Any help in this regard will be much appreciated.

Look forward for any responses...


spooning commented 9 years ago

Originally submitted to Google Code by @yanne on 22 Mar 2012

This issue trackes is meant for bug reports and enhancement ideas.

Please post questions to the user mailing list:!forum/robotframework-users

These issue might still be related to application implementation.