robotframework / OldSeleniumLibrary

Deprecated Selenium library for Robot Framework
Apache License 2.0
13 stars 3 forks source link

ERROR: Command execution failure. Please search the user group at!forum/selenium-users for error details from the log window. The error message is: Invalid argument. #233

Closed spooning closed 9 years ago

spooning commented 9 years ago

Originally submitted to Google Code by dhanabal... on 14 Mar 2012

I am getting this error frequently when I execute multiple test cases together for command Wait until page contains element keyword

ERROR: Command execution failure. Please search the user group at!forum/selenium-users for error details from the log window. The error message is: Invalid argument

Please advise

spooning commented 9 years ago

Originally submitted to Google Code by dhanabal... on 14 Mar 2012

But sometimes it is executing without this error

spooning commented 9 years ago

Originally submitted to Google Code by @pekkaklarck on 4 May 2012

Since this happens sporadically I'm pretty sure the bug is in Selenium itself and we cannot do anything for it in SeleniumLibrary. Because Selenium 1 is nowadays deprecated, the bug is unlikely to be ever fixed. I recommend you to test Selenium 2 and Selenium2Library instead.