robotframework / OldSeleniumLibrary

Deprecated Selenium library for Robot Framework
Apache License 2.0
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The server_host argument does not work #240

Closed spooning closed 9 years ago

spooning commented 9 years ago

Originally submitted to Google Code by dietrich... on 18 May 2012

SeleniumLibrary 2.9 does not connect to a remote Selenium 1 server_host, no matter if I enter just a host name and pass the port separately, or if I pass the host with port in a single URL like this:

timeout=45 | server_host= timeout=45 | | server_port=4444

If I open a tunnel to the remote host on port 4444 and remove the server_host argument, the SeleniumLibrary connects to the remote host through the tunnel. It uses localhost and that seems to work.

It appears as if the server_host were ignored.

Not sure if it makes a difference, but I am running from within RIDE 0.44 on Python 2.6.5

spooning commented 9 years ago

Originally submitted to Google Code by dietrich... on 18 May 2012

An additional observation:

If I pass server_host= anyway while the tunnel is open, the remote server is connected properly.

If I then close the tunnel, the connection fails.

Again, it seems that server_host is ignored.

Same effect happens with version 2.8.

spooning commented 9 years ago

Originally submitted to Google Code by dietrich... on 21 May 2012

I forgot to mention connecting to the remote host without tunnel via telnet as in

telnet 4444

gives me a connection and I see an incoming request in the selenium server debug log.

spooning commented 9 years ago

Originally submitted to Google Code by dietrich... on 21 May 2012

A simple test in java connects, too:

String serverHost = ""; int serverPort = 4444; String browserStartCommand = "*firefox"; String browserURL = ""; String url = "/index.html";

System.out.println(serverHost); System.out.println(serverPort); System.out.println(browserStartCommand); System.out.println(browserURL); System.out.println(url);

DefaultSelenium selenium = new DefaultSelenium(serverHost, serverPort, browserStartCommand, browserURL); selenium.start();; selenium.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); selenium.isTextPresent("Mydomain"); selenium.close(); selenium.stop();

spooning commented 9 years ago

Originally submitted to Google Code by dietrich... on 21 May 2012

The issue is solved, I had a selenium import statement in the top-level suite, but the effective import took place in a resource.

spooning commented 9 years ago

Originally submitted to Google Code by @pekkaklarck on 21 May 2012

Good you were able to solve the problem.