Closed spooning closed 9 years ago
Originally submitted to Google Code by UlrichBode.UB on 8 Aug 2013
Usually the browser is just not open when the Keyword 'Capture Page Screenshot' failed.
Originally submitted to Google Code by stella.j... on 14 Aug 2013
Thanks for your reply, it got fixed
Originally submitted to Google Code by joacimjo... on 11 Mar 2014
I only get this issue when im doing the test on IE, on chrome and firefox there's no issue.
After Open Browser (and the browser opens) i have a delay of 3s (also tried up to 30s) before i do anything else in the test case.
It would be very helpful if you could explain how you solved it.
Thanks, Joacim
Originally submitted to Google Code by sivakuma... on 27 Feb 2015
Usually the browser is just not open when the Keyword 'Capture Page Screenshot' failed.
Originally submitted to Google Code by @jussimalinen on 13 Aug 2015
We are moving Selenium Library to github and creating a last release with Robot 2.9 support before stopping the support of this project entirely.
As this project is deprecated, moving to Selenium2Library is necessary for further support and development.
While executing the test cases on IE , I am getting a warning messagwe "Keyword 'Capture Page Screenshot' could not be run on failure: NoSuchWindowException: Message: u'Unable to get browser' "
I am using
Selenium2Library,RobotFramework 2.8.1 Python 2.7.5 64-bit and Windows 7 64-bit
Can you please assist me in resolving this issue?
Thanks, Stella