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new java libraries #121

Open vtitov opened 5 years ago

vtitov commented 5 years ago

To whom it may concern,

I created a pair java libraries for robotframework: Reflection based dynamic wrapper around java-faker: Static wrappers around java-uuid methods:

There is a question about artifacts naming and releasing. Can I use org.robotframework groupId? or should I use my own (e.g. com.github.vtitov)?

Another question is about documentation. How detailed should it be at this early stage of development, taking into account that these are wrappers around java methods: documented in case of uuid or intuitively clear for faker.

Regards, Valentin

pekkaklarck commented 5 years ago

I don't know how groupIds are typically handled. Do others, for example @jussimalinen or @Hi-Fi, have insight about this?

Documentation should be so good that others can use the libraries without needing to bother you with questions all the time. Referring to external documentation is generally fine.

Hi-Fi commented 5 years ago

I think that it's best to use groupId that refers to source code repo. So in this case com.github.vitov.

I think that keyords that are offered by library should be documented in a level, that user knows what those do and if there's something else that needs to be known without checking external documentation or code. External documentation can be referred, but basically user should...

E.g. in SeleniumLibrary (both Java and Python) documentation doesn't explain how Selenium works, but only what user needs to know to use keywords efficiently (

vtitov commented 5 years ago

Juho, Pekka,

Thank you for suggestions. I'll make some corrections in projects.