robotframework /

Robot Framework ecosystem from page
72 stars 80 forks source link

Robot Framework ecosystem front page

This repository hosts Robot Framework's public website source code. The site itself is available at

Adding or updating resources

To get new links added or old information updated, please submit an issue to this project. If you want a new link to be added, include at least the following information:

Alternatively you can submit a pull request with the above information and make it even easier for us to add the link. For pull requests, only submit source file changes. Build will be done automatically.


Robot Framework website is open source software provided under the Apache License 2.0.

Robotframework sources

Robot Framework ecosystem front page sources

Build Setup

# clone repo
git clone

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev

When you want to contribute and open a pull request, only commit source file changes. The build will be done by system.

The page is built with Vue CLI.


With Gitpod you get a free "pop up" dev environment. Just register at gitpod with your github account and create a new workspace from your fork.

Steps to do:

Gitpod will now automatically set up a full development environment with a running development server and a full functioning VSCode.

After the startup of the development web server in your Terminal, you can open the page preview.

To open the preview of the page, which you are developing, you can just follow the link in the terminal of the started VSCode. Just click on http://localhost:8080/ with the modifier CTRL (Windows & Linux) or CMD (Mac).

Once you are done with your changes you can commit your modifications to your fork and create a pull-request to the original repository.