Dynamic Obstacle Detector
A simple (but effective) detector of dynamic obstacles in laser scans.
It detect groups of points in a laser scan that are then tracked using Kalman Filters. Obstacles that do not exceed a minimum velocity threshold are removed.
- input_scan_topic. Name of the scan topic. (Def: "scan").
- odom_frame. Name of the odometry frame. (Def: "odom").
- cluster_max_distance_points. Maximum distance [m] between consecutive points in the scan to be grouped together. (Def: 0.6).
- cluster_min_points. Minimun number of points in a group to be considered as an obstacle. (Def: 3)
- cluster_max_points. Maximum number of points in a group to be considered as an obstacle. (Def: 35)
- min_vel_tracked. Minimum velocity [m/s] of the obstacles to be considered as a dynamic obstacle. (Def: 0.35).
- max_vel_tracked. Maximum velocity [m/s] of the obstacles to be considered as a dynamic obstacle. (Def: 2.0).
- max_tracked_distance. Maximum distance [m] between obstacles to be considered the same one. (Def: 0.55).
- max_tracked_sec. Maximum time [sec] between detections of an obstacle to be tracked. (Def: 1.0).
- /scan: . Laser scan topic. Modified by the parameter input_scan_topic.
- /dynamic_obstacles . message with the obstacle information similarly to the people msg.
- /dynamic_obstacles/static_markers . RViz marker with the dynamic obstacles candidates.
- /dynamic_obstacles/dynamic_markers . Rviz marker with the dynamic obstacles detected.