roboticsatiowa / Rover_Embedded

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Rover Embedded Software

Table of Contents


This is an adaptation of the ros_arduino_bridge designed specifically for the Teensy 4.1. We use almost entirely custom hardware so all encoder and motor controller comms are done directly through the board.

Our pinout setup can be easily viewed in the pinout.h header file inside the include/ dir

Getting Started

This code is for the PJRC Teensy 4.1 development board. These instructions are to get it flashed onto the microcontroller.


sudo apt install teensy-loader-cli python3-venv


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Open the cloned folder in VS Code
  3. Upload software to board using the PlatformIO plugin


Make sure that the serial monitor is configured to the correct baud rate (9600) and that the line ending is set to "CR"


Unit testing is a long term goal however currently there are no viable solutions to emulate a teensy 4.1. We could potentially use actual hardware for automated testing but this would be a significant investment of time and resources.

Pin assignment chart
