robthomson / ExBus2CRSF

A a Jeti EXBUS to TBS Crossfire Transcoder
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The Exbus 2 CSRF Telemety convertor acta as a bridge between jeti and crossfire.

Build is relatively simple.

You will need

  1. Teensy 3.2
  2. 2 x 2.4k resistor

The resistors are to enable the two serial ports to operate in single wire mode.

Place resistor across pins 9 and 10. (TX2 RX2) Place resitor across pins 0 and 1 (TX1 RX1)

Connect pin 0 on the teensy to the CSRF pin on the crossfire module. This can be fouund in two locations.

Connect pin 9 on the teensy to the exbus signal on either the transmitter or the jeti receiver.

Ensure you have supplied power to the devices and a suitable GND connection is shared.
