A high-performance issue tracker in the style of Linear.
Built with Replicache, Next.js, Pusher, and Postgres.
Running at repliear.herokuapp.com.
Get the Pusher environment variables from the "App Keys" section of the Pusher App UI.
Note: These instructions assume you installed PostgreSQL via Postgres.app on MacOS. If you installed some other way, or configured PostgreSQL specially, you may additionally need to set the PGUSER
environment variables.
export PGDATABASE="repliear"
export NEXT_PUBLIC_REPLICACHE_LICENSE_KEY="<your license key>"
export NEXT_PUBLIC_PUSHER_KEY=<pusherkey>
export NEXT_PUBLIC_PUSHER_SECRET=<pushersecret>
export NEXT_PUBLIC_PUSHER_CLUSTER=<pushercluster>
# Create a new database for Repliear
psql -d postgres -c 'create database repliear'
npm install
npm run dev
We started this project by forking linear_clone. This enabled us to get the visual styling right much faster than we otherwise could have.