rock-core / tools-pocolog2msgpack

Logfile converter from Rock's pocolog format to MessagePack.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Logfile converter from Rock's pocolog format to MessagePack.


Why do we need a converter from pocolog to MsgPack?


Dependencies are

You can install the dependencies manually and install this tool with

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<install prefix> ..
make install

The more convenient way is to use autoproj. You must add three lines to your manifest:

   - github: rock-core/package_set

   - tools/pocolog2msgpack

Important when installing the library through Autproj, the Python part of this library and the correspondent python dependencies will only get installed if in your Autoproj settings the USE_PYTHON flag is set to true.


This repository contains a program that will convert files from the pocolog log format to MessagePack format. It is called pocolog2msgpack. These are its options:

  -h [ --help ]                         Print help message
  -v [ --verbose ] arg (=0)             Verbosity level
  -l [ --logfile ] arg                  Logfiles
  -o [ --output ] arg (=output.msg)     Output file
  -c [ --container-limit ] arg (=1000000)
                                        Maximum length of a container that will
                                        be read and converted. This option 
                                        should only be used for debugging 
                                        purposes to prevent conversion of large
                                        containers. It might not result in a 
                                        correctly converted logfile.
  --only arg                            Only convert the port given by this 
  --start arg (=0)                      Index of the first sample that will be 
                                        exported. This option is only useful if
                                        only one stream will be exported.
  --end arg (=-1)                       Index after the last sample that will 
                                        be exported. This option is only useful
                                        if only one stream will be exported.
  --align_named_vector                  For named vector types, order the 
                                        elements by the names of the first 
                                        sample. Only one names vector valid for
                                        all samples will be included in the 
                                        output. Only works with --flatten.
  --flatten                             With --flatten, all nested field names 
                                        are joined into top level keys. This 
                                        makes the data fields directly 
  --compress                            Compress the output using msgpack's 
                                        zlib compression.


We read the logfile test/data/laser_scan.0.log and convert the only stream /message_producer.messages to laser_scan.msg. Only samples between indices 0 and 1 will be converted to the output file.

$ pocolog2msgpack -l test/data/laser_scan.0.log -o laser_scan.msg --only /message_producer.messages --start 0 --end 1 --verbose 2
[pocolog2msgpack] Verbosity level is 2.
[pocolog2msgpack] Only converting port '/message_producer.messages'.
Loading logfile test/data/laser_scan.0.log
Stream /message_producer.messages [/base/samples/LaserScan]
  2 Samples from 20170727-15:17:28 to 20170727-15:17:29 [01:00:00:999]
Stream /message_producer.state [/int32_t]
  2 Samples from 20170727-15:17:28 to 20170727-15:17:30 [01:00:02:716]
Loading logfile Done test/data/laser_scan.0.log
Loading logfile Done test/data/laser_scan.0.log
Building multi file index 
 100% Done
Processed 4 of 4 samples 
[pocolog2msgpack] 1 streams
[pocolog2msgpack] Stream #0 (/message_producer.messages): 2 samples
[pocolog2msgpack] Converting sample #0

pocolog2msgpack -v 1 --start=0 --end=1 --flatten --align_named_vector --compress -l *072_crex_ft*.log -l *072_crex_legs*.log -o 20221013154136.072_data_obj.msg.zz

Without Installation

If you have docker and you do not want to install anything you can use our image. Just go to the directory in which the log file is located and run

docker run --interactive --rm --tty --volume "$PWD":/wd --workdir /wd -it af01/pocolog2msgpack [arguments ...]

It will create a container from our docker image, run pocolog2msgpack, and destroy itself. The current directory is mounted within the temporary docker container to be able to load files from the current directory. Output should be written to the same folder. No complicated paths including .. are allowed. There is a slight runtime overhead for creating and destroying the docker container. Since logfile conversions are not supposed to happen that often it can be ignored though.

Possible Errors

Outdated Data Types (Segmentation Fault)

A logfile might contain an old version of a data type. Running pocolog2msgpack will result in a segmentation fault when it tries to convert the outdated sample. We have to preprocess the logfile to be able to convert it in this case. See converting logfiles for further instructions.

Loading Logs in Python

Loading an uncompressed converted logfile in Python is as simple as those two lines:

import msgpack
log = msgpack.unpack(open("output.msg", "rb"))

For a more advanced loading of log files, have a look at the Python package pocolog2msgpack.

Note 1: This loads the complete log file into memory at once. Note 2: In older versions of msgpack, encoding="utf8" may be needed.

Make sure that msgpack is installed (e.g. pip3 install msgpack). This is the only dependency. You do not have to install this package to load the files once you converted them to MsgPack.

The object log is a Python dictionary that contains names of all logged ports as keys and the logged data in a list as its keys.

The logdata itself is stored at the key "/<task_name>.<port name>" and meta data is stored at "/<task_name>.<port name>.meta". The meta data contains the timestamp for each sample at the key "timestamps" and the data type at the key "type". At the moment, we use the type names from Typelib.

If the --flatten option has been used to convert the log data, the keys will be of type "/<task_name>.<port name>/<field name>/<sub-field name>....". These keys map to a vector or an array of samples for this field, depending on the type the stream had originally.

There are several examples of how to use the tool and how to load data in Python in the test folder. Further documentation can also be found in the Python pacakge pocolog2msgpack.


We use nosetests to run the unit tests:

$ nosetests3
Ran 17 tests in 2.074s


The packages nose and pexpect have to be installed with pip to run the tests.


Usually it is not possible to push directly to the master branch for anyone. Only tiny changes, urgent bugfixes, and maintenance commits can be pushed directly to the master branch by the maintainer without a review. "Tiny" means backwards compatibility is mandatory and all tests must succeed. No new feature must be added.

Developers have to submit pull requests. Those will be reviewed by at least one other developer and merged by a maintainer. New features must be documented and tested. Breaking changes must be discussed and announced in advance with deprecation warnings.


pocolog2msgpack is distributed under the LGPL-2.1 license or later.

Copyright 2017-2018 Alexander Fabisch, DFKI GmbH / Robotics Innovation Center