Solidity is the language used in Ethereum to create smart contracts, this extension provides:
Sometimes you may want to use a different compiler than the one provided. All the different versions of the solidity compiler can be found in this repository: You can find all the different versions in the solc-bin repository
Currently we support three ways supported to use a different version of the solidity compiler.
To compile using a remote version, you need to change the following user setting, with the version required, for example 'latest' or 'v0.4.3+commit.2353da71'
"solidity.compileUsingRemoteVersion" : "latest"
If you don't have an internet connection, you can download the compiler and change your user settings to use this. The local file will be use instead of remote.
"solidity.compileUsingLocalVersion" : "C:\\Users\\JuanFran\\Downloads\\soljson-v0.4.15%2Bcommit.bbb8e64f.js"
If you need to use an specific version for a project, you can also install solc locally in your solidity project folder.
npm install solc
Note: The above compilers, have an order of preference when using different settings are: Local node installation (Npm / node installation) will be used first, Local file second and finally remote.
So if you just want to use the latest version of solidity for all the projects and have online connectivity all the time, use the setting:
"solidity.compileUsingRemoteVersion" : "latest"
But if you are working on an specific project using an older version, you can use npm install locally to target that specefic version, without affecting the global setting.
A default project / library dependency structure follows the DappSys library model:
Libraries will have the same name as their folder they are included. Solidity files will be in the 'src' folder. Libraries will be included in the 'lib' folder.
Currently there is no name conflicting resolution, so the first library found matching a name, will be the first one used.
The user settings for this structure is:
"solidity.packageDefaultDependenciesContractsDirectory": "src",
"solidity.packageDefaultDependenciesDirectory": "lib"
If you're using openzeppelin-solidity
, the contracts will be found in your node_modules folder, so the user settings will be the following, assuming your solidity project is at root.
"solidity.packageDefaultDependenciesContractsDirectory": "",
"solidity.packageDefaultDependenciesDirectory": "node_modules"
If you have a deeper structure, like
│ │
| │ xx.sol
│ └───node_modules
| │ xx.cs
| │ yy.cs
| │ xx.js
| │ yy.js
Your user settings configuration will need to represent the full structure:
"solidity.packageDefaultDependenciesContractsDirectory": "",
"solidity.packageDefaultDependenciesDirectory": "solidity_project/node_modules"
Just press Ctrl + Space or Command + Space to autocomplete statements, currently supported all the storage variables, functions and events (with snippets) included in the current document and every document in the import chain. Also supported all the global variables, global functions, types and units.
Auto compilation of files and error highlighting can be enabled or disabled using user settings. Also a default delay is implemented for all the validations (compilation and linting) as solidity compilation can be slow when you have many dependencies.
"solidity.enabledAsYouTypeCompilationErrorCheck": true,
"solidity.validationDelay": 1500
To lint Solidity code you can use the Solhint linter, the linter can be configured it using the following user settings:
"solidity.linter": "solhint",
"solidity.solhintRules": {
"avoid-sha3": "warn"
This extension supports .solhint.json
configuration file. It must be placed to project root
directory. After any changes in .solhint.json
it will be synchronized with current IDE
Solium is the default linter of supported by the extesion, you can configure it using the following user settings:
"solidity.linter": "solium",
"solidity.soliumRules": {
"quotes": ["error", "double"],
"indentation": ["error", 4]
soliumrc.json support will be included in the near future, for specific project linting requirements.
The extension integrates with the Nethereum code generator to create Contract integration definitions. You can either generate the api for a single contract, all compiled contracts, or automatically every time you compile a smart contract solidity file.
The simplest way is to automatically code generate your api, for this you need to create a file called "nethereum-gen.settings" at the root of your project, with the following contents.
"projectName": "Solidity.Samples",
"namespace": "Solidity.Samples",
"lang" indicates what language to generate the code, 0 = CSharp, 1 = Vb.Net and 3 = FSharp
The "projectName" and "namespace" settings will be used for the manual code generation also.
To code generate the Nethereum contract api from a single smart contract, you need to select the compiled "json" output file from the "bin" folder, press F1 and start typing "Solidity: Code generate" and select what language you want to generate for the current selected file.
To code generate the Nethereum contract for all smart contracts already compiled, just press F1, and start typing "Solidity: Code generate" and select the option for all contracts for your desired language.
For ideas, issues, additions, modifications please raise an issue or a pull request at and send a message on gitter at or to get an instant notification.
Many thanks to:
Christian Reitwiessner and the Ethereum team for Solidity
Raghav Dua and everyone that contributed to Solium, the solidity linter, and the solidity parser.
Ilya Drabenia for creating the Solhint linter and the integration into the extension.
Nexus team for the original creation of the dappfile to structure contracts in projects
Beau Gunderson for contributing the initial integration of solium, the initial server and error mappings.
Bram Hoven for starting the multiple package dependency support for different environments (node_modules, lib)
Piotr Szlachciak for refactoring the syntaxes
Forest Fang for providing the implementation of the "Go to definition", allowing you to navigate to structs, contracts, functions calls, etc
Bernardo Vieira for adding the capability to read the solium settings from a file in the workspace root directory.
Nick Addison, Elazar Gershuni, Joe Whittles, Iñigo Villalba, Thien Toan, Jonathan Carter, Stefan Lew, Nikita Savchenko, Josh Stevens, Paul Berg for their contributions.
Sebastian Bürgel for keeping reminding me of the offline installation suppport
David Krmpotic and Ralph Pichler for the original Sublime extension
Everyone for their support and feedback!