rocstack / plex-playlist-sync

A simple app that can recreates a spotify playlist in your local plex server.
GNU General Public License v3.0
4 stars 0 forks source link

Plex Playlist Sync

This a fork of the original project here

Create spotify playlists in your plex account using tracks from your server and keeps plex playlists in sync with original playlists.

This DOES NOT download any songs from anywhere.


New features in this fork



To use Spotify sync

Multiple plex users

You need to get the individual plex tokens for each plex user. To get each one, you need to login with each user in the Plex web interface and click on a music artist. Then go to the developer console (F12 on chrome), navigate to the network tab and click on one of the names you should see a value similar to this

Copy that and add it to the docker PLEX_TOKEN_USERS variable.


You'll need ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code to search for the playlist in the region you're in. Found here:

For example. Hong Kong would be "HK" and United States of America would be "US".

Spotify playlist categories

In addition to adding playlists by their IDs, you can use the categories Spotify define and maintain. For example spotify have a category called "top" which will include playlists like "Global top 50", "Official Charts". Rock will include "Rocktail hour", "Rock Party" etc. Throwback will include "Born in the 90s", "Throwback Thursday". It keeps the playlists fresh and dynamic.

Warning - Each category can contain around 20 playlists

The values to use are below:

throw # Throwback playlists
featured # Spotify featured playlists
top # Spotify top charts playlists

Docker Setup

You need either docker or docker with docker-compose to run this. Docker images are available on the hub for amd64, arm64 and arm/v7 and will be auto pulled based on your platform.

Configure the parameters as needed. Plex URL and TOKEN are mandatory and either one of the Options (1,2,3) fields are required.

Docker Compose

docker-compose.yml can be configured as follows. See docker-compose-example.yml for example

version: "2.1"
    image: silkychap/plex-playlist-sync:latest
    container_name: playlist-sync
    # optional only if you chose WRITE_MISSING_AS_CSV=1 in env
      - <Path where you want to write missing tracks>:/data
      - PLEX_URL= <your local plex url>
      - PLEX_TOKEN=<your plex token> # Owners/Primary user's plex token
      - PLEX_TOKEN_USERS=<managed plex tokens> # Other managed user's plex tokens
      - PLEX_MIN_SONGS=<min songs number per playlist> # Minimum number of songs for a playlist to be created
      - WRITE_MISSING_AS_CSV=<1 or 0> # Default 0, 1 = writes missing tracks from each playlist to a csv
      - APPEND_SERVICE_SUFFIX=<1 or 0> # Default 1, 1 = appends the service name to the playlist name
      - ADD_PLAYLIST_POSTER=<1 or 0> # Default 1, 1 = add poster for each playlist
      - ADD_PLAYLIST_DESCRIPTION=<1 or 0> # Default 1, 1 = add description for each playlist
      - APPEND_INSTEAD_OF_SYNC=0 # Default 0, 1 = Sync tracks, 0 = Append only
      - SECONDS_TO_WAIT=84000
      - SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID=<your spotify client id>
      - SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET=<your spotify client secret>
      - SPOTIFY_PLAYLIST_IDS=<spotify playlist ids> # List of playlist ids
      - SPOTIFY_CATEGORIES=<spotify category names> # List of categories to add playlists from
      - COUNTRY=<spotify country> # Country you would like to query
    restart: unless-stopped

And run with :

docker-compose up


Something's off? See room for improvement? Feel free to open an issue with as much info as possible. Cheers!