rode / enforcer-k8s

Apache License 2.0
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A Kubernetes validating admission webhook that checks any container images in a pod against a specified policy group.

It's intended to be used alongside Rode to prevent deployments that fail to meet certain checks.

Local Development

This project requires Go 1.17 or newer.

  1. Follow the instructions to run Rode locally
  2. If you have Telepresence installed, run the enforcer on the host:
    go run main.go --rode-host=rode.rode-demo.svc.cluster.local:50051 \
        --rode-insecure \
        --policy-group="$POLICY_GROUP" \
        --tls-secret=default/enforcer-k8s \
        --k8s-in-cluster=false \
        --debug \
  3. Make any changes, then use make test to run the unit tests
    • If necessary, use make fmt to address any formatting issues
  4. If new files were added, use make license to add the required source code headers


See the rode/charts repository to use the Helm chart.


Option Description Default
--debug Set the log level to debug false
--k8s-config-file Path to the Kubernetes config file $HOME/.kube/config
--k8s-in-cluster Whether the enforcer should use the in-cluster Kubernetes config true
--policy-group The policy group to enforce N/A
--port The port the HTTP server should bind against 8001
--registry-insecure-skip-verify Whether TLS should be verified when talking to container registries false
--rode-host The hostname of the Rode instance N/A
--rode-insecure-disable-transport-security Whether transport security should be verified when talking to Rode false