rodekruis / kobo-connect

Connect Kobo to anything.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Connect Kobo to anything, including itself.


Synopsis: a dockerized python API that sends Kobo submissions and their attachments to other API-enabled applications, changing field names if necessary. It is basically an extension of the KoboToolbox REST Services.

Details: see the docs.

Linked Kobo form

Using the kobo-to-linked-kobo endpoint, it is possible to update a multiple-choice question in a Kobo form (child) based on the submissions of another Kobo form (parent).

Example: the parent form could be a beneficiary registration form, and the child form could be a follow-up form, or a distribution form. The child form could have a multiple-choice question (select_one) with the possible values being the IDs of the beneficiaries registered in the parent form.

Make sure you understand what you can do with Kobo's Dynamic Data Attachments. You should use those if e.g. the question in the child form is not a multiple-choice one, or you need to pull specific data from a specific parent submission.


  1. Define which question in the parent Kobo form needs to be saved in which multiple-choice question in the child form.
  2. Register a new Kobo REST Service in the parent form and give it a descriptive name, e.g. update child form.
  3. Insert as Endpoint URL
  4. Add the following headers under Custom HTTP Headers:
    • Under Name insert kobotoken and under Value your Kobo token (see how to get one).
    • Under Name insert childasset and under Value the ID of the child form (see where to find it).
    • Under Name insert parentasset and under Value the ID of the parent form (see where to find it).
    • Under Name insert parentquestion and under Value the name of the question in the parent form (whose answers will determine the choices in the child form).
    • Under Name insert childlist and under Value the name of the list (not question) in the child form. Example: if the question type is select_one list_name, the value should be list_name.

The child form will be redeployed each time a submission is made to the parent form, or the Kobo REST service makes a POST request. Make sure to enable "form auto-update" in KoboCollect to ensure that the child form is always up-to-date and ready to be used offline: settings > form management > blank form update mode: exactly match server.


Using the kobo-to-espocrm endpoint, it is possible to save a Kobo submission as one or more entities in EspoCRM.

Basic setup

  1. Define which questions in the Kobo form need to be saved in which entity and field in EspoCRM.
  2. In EspoCRM,
    • Create a role (Administration>Roles), set Access to the target entity on enabled, with the permission on yes to Create (if you need to update records, also add Read and Edit).
    • Create an API user (Administration>API Users), give it a descriptive User Name, select the previously created role, make sure Is Active is checked and that Authentication Method is API Key. After saving, you will see a newly created API Key which is needed for the next step.
  3. Register a new Kobo REST Service for the Kobo form of interest and give it a descriptive name.
  4. Insert as Endpoint URL
  5. Add the following headers under Custom HTTP Headers:
    • Under Name insert targeturl and under Value the EspoCRM URL (for example,
    • Under Name insert targetkey and under Value the (newly) created API Key (from EspoCRM API User).
  6. For each question, add a header that specifies which Kobo questions corresponds to which entity and field EspoCRM:
    • The header name (left) must correspond to the Kobo question name. (You can check the Kobo question name by going into edit mode of the form, open 'Settings' of the specific question and inspect the Data Column Name. Also, the Kobo question names can be found in the 'Data' table with previous submissions. This Kobo question name is different from the Kobo question label and can not contain spaces or symbols (except the underscore).).
    • The header value (right) must correspond to the EspoCRM entity name, followed by a dot (.), followed by the specific field name. Example: (EspoCRM name is different from the EspoCRM label, similar to the difference between Kobo question name and Kobo question label).

If you need to send attachments (e.g. images) to EspoCRM, add a Custom HTTP Header called kobotoken with your API token (see how to get one).

Advanced setup: select many, repeat groups, etc.


Using the kobo-to-121 endpoint, it is possible to save a Kobo submission as a Person Affected (PA) registration in the 121 Portal.

Step by step:

  1. Define which questions in the Kobo form need to be saved in which field.
  2. Create a new Kobo REST Service.
  3. Insert as Endpoint URL
  4. For each question, add a Custom HTTP Header that specifies to which entity and field it corresponds to.
    • The header name (left) must correspond to the Kobo column name (not label).
    • The header value (right) must correspond to the field name in 121.

Special Headers:

See below for an example configuration, in which programId was not included as a question so it is included in the header.

Nota Bene

Create headers endpoint

If you need to map a lot of questions, creating the headers manually is cumbersome. The /create-kobo-headers endpoint automates this. It expects 4 query parameters:

In the body you can pass all the headers you want to create as key value pairs, for example:

  "last_name": "lastName",
  "first_name": "firstName",
  "household_size": "hhSize"

This endpoint assumes the IFRC Kobo server (

Generic endpoint

See the docs.

Run locally

cp example.env .env
pip install -r requirements.txt
uvicorn main:app --reload