rogercreagh / joomla-xbRefMan

xbRefMan provides back-end management and front-end views for xbRefs
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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xbRefMan provides back-end management and front-end views for References created by xbRefs in Joomla articles.

NB This project is only for Joomla 3.10. I have no plans to develop aJoomla 4 version - if you wish to have a version for Joomla 4 then you are welcome to use whatever code you can from this project and doo it yourself so long as you do not release it as a commercial/paid-for Joomla extension.

Current release is v1.0.0 Download either as a Joomla installation package together with the two plugins, of as just the component from the CrOsborne website.

xbRefMan provides back-end (admin) views to list Text, Tag and Weblink references in use and a list of articles with references. For individual references a list of articles they appear in is provided. Tools are available to add/remove shortcode highlighting in articles, to remove individual references (shortcode deletion in all or individual articles) and conversion of embedded Text references to Tags.

On the front-end (site) xbRefMan can provide filtered lists of references with the articles that use them and lists of articles with their references.

Please use the Issues area to make suggestions for improvements and report any bugs.