rogersia / Solis-4G

Python project to Read Solis-4G inverter over RS485
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Solis-4G RS485 - Openenergymonitor EmonHub

Python project to Read Solis-4G inverter over RS485 and report to EmonHub

  1. Save python script to ~/data/
  2. Configure Emonhub with the additional settings below
  3. Call python file using Node-Red on emonpi / emon hub

MinimalModbus installation

Set emonpi into read-write mode Install minimalmodbus Set emonpi to read-only mode

sudo pip install -U minimalmodbus

EmonHub Configuration

Note the information must be in the correct section for emonhub to work. Once the interfacer has been added, emonhub needs to be restarted.
Node configuration updates will be detected when the configuration is updated.

  1. Add to [interfacers] section:
        Type = EmonHubSocketInterfacer
                port_nb = 8080
                pubchannels = ToEmonCMS,
  1. Add to [nodes] section:
    nodename = solis4g-kw
        names = AllTimeEnergyKW,TodayKW
        datacodes = I, H
        scales = 1,0.1
        units = kW,kW

    nodename = solis4g-realtime
        names = ACRealtimeW,RealtimeDCV,RealtimeDCI,InverterC,ACRealTimeF,ACRealTimeV,ACRealTimeI
        datacodes = I, H, H, H, H, H, H
        scales = 1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.01,0.1,0.1
        units = W,V,A,C,Hz,V,A

Node-Red Configuration

(Based on In a new flow:

  1. Add an inject node, set it to automatically inject at start and set the node to collect data every 5 seconds
  2. Add an external exec node and configure it to call: python ~/data/