docker run --rm \
--user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
-v /local-output-dir:/output \
rogierlommers/miniflux-exporter \
/app/miniflux-exporter \
-host \
-output-stars /output/export-stars.xml \
-output-opml /output/opml.xml \
-output-unread /output/export-unread.xml
If you just want the (linux, 64 bit) binary: miniflux-exporter
-host string
miniflux hostname, f.e. http://localhost:8080 (default "http://localhost:8080")
-output-opml string
optional, output filename, f.e. /tmp/opml.xml
-output-stars string
optional, output filename, f.e. /tmp/starred-articles.xml
-output-unread string
optional, output filename, f.e. /tmp/unread-articles.xml
-pass string
miniflux password
-s if flag -s is provided, the happy-flow won't display any output
-user string
miniflux username
-v if flag -v is provided, debugging info is printed
prints current version
Put miniflux-exporter in your crontab to frequently make a backup of all your feeds, f.e.:
@weekly /usr/bin/miniflux-exporter -s -user YOUR_NAME -pass YOUR_PASS -host http://miniflux-server -output-opml "/my-backups/feeds-opml.xml" -output-stars "/my-backups/miniflux-starred-articles.xml" -output-unread "/my-backups/miniflux-unread-articles.xml"
This will backup once a week the starred items, the unread items and exports all feeds to an OPML file and will only display error messages. Please note that the different outputs are all options. So if you only want to export the starred articles, then you should only provide the -output
-stars flag.
Building the binary locally:
GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o miniflux-exporter-linux64 *.go