rogierschouten / async-lock

Lock on asynchronous code for Nodejs
MIT License
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Lock on asynchronous code

Build Status


I did not create this package. I was granted the ownership because it was no longer being maintained, and I volunteered to fix a bug. I will not do any maintenance on it other than merge PRs.


Why do you need locking on single threaded nodejs?

Nodejs is single threaded, and the code execution never gets interrupted inside an event loop, so locking is unnecessary? This is true ONLY IF your critical section can be executed inside a single event loop. However, if you have any async code inside your critical section (it can be simply triggered by any I/O operation, or timer), your critical logic will across multiple event loops, therefore it's not concurrency safe!

Consider the following code

redis.get('key', function(err, value) {
    redis.set('key', value * 2);

The above code simply multiply a redis key by 2. However, if two users run concurrently, the execution order may like this

user1: redis.get('key') -> 1
user2: redis.get('key') -> 1
user1: redis.set('key', 1 x 2) -> 2
user2: redis.set('key', 1 x 2) -> 2

Obviously it's not what you expected

With asyncLock, you can easily write your async critical section

lock.acquire('key', function(cb) {
    // Concurrency safe
    redis.get('key', function(err, value) {
        redis.set('key', value * 2, cb);
}, function(err, ret) {

Get Started

var AsyncLock = require('async-lock');
var lock = new AsyncLock();

 * @param {String|Array} key    resource key or keys to lock
 * @param {function} fn     execute function
 * @param {function} cb     (optional) callback function, otherwise will return a promise
 * @param {Object} opts     (optional) options
lock.acquire(key, function(done) {
    // async work
    done(err, ret);
}, function(err, ret) {
    // lock released
}, opts);

// Promise mode
lock.acquire(key, function() {
    // return value or promise
}, opts).then(function() {
    // lock released

Error Handling

// Callback mode
lock.acquire(key, function(done) {
    done(new Error('error'));
}, function(err, ret) {
    console.log(err.message) // output: error

// Promise mode
lock.acquire(key, function() {
    throw new Error('error');
}).catch(function(err) {
    console.log(err.message) // output: error

Acquire multiple keys

lock.acquire([key1, key2], fn, cb);

Domain reentrant lock

Lock is reentrant in the same domain

var domain = require('domain');
var lock = new AsyncLock({domainReentrant : true});

var d = domain.create(); {
    lock.acquire('key', function() {
        //Enter lock
        return lock.acquire('key', function() {
            //Enter same lock twice


// Specify timeout - max amount of time an item can remain in the queue before acquiring the lock
var lock = new AsyncLock({timeout: 5000});
lock.acquire(key, fn, function(err, ret) {
    // timed out error will be returned here if lock not acquired in given time

// Specify max occupation time - max amount of time allowed between entering the queue and completing execution
var lock = new AsyncLock({maxOccupationTime: 3000});
lock.acquire(key, fn, function(err, ret) {
    // occupation time exceeded error will be returned here if job not completed in given time

// Specify max execution time - max amount of time allowed between acquiring the lock and completing execution
var lock = new AsyncLock({maxExecutionTime: 3000});
lock.acquire(key, fn, function(err, ret) {
    // execution time exceeded error will be returned here if job not completed in given time

// Set max pending tasks - max number of tasks allowed in the queue at a time
var lock = new AsyncLock({maxPending: 1000});
lock.acquire(key, fn, function(err, ret) {
    // Handle too much pending error

// Whether there is any running or pending async function

// Use your own promise library instead of the global Promise variable
var lock = new AsyncLock({Promise: require('bluebird')}); // Bluebird
var lock = new AsyncLock({Promise: require('q')}); // Q

// Add a task to the front of the queue waiting for a given lock
lock.acquire(key, fn1, cb); // runs immediately
lock.acquire(key, fn2, cb); // added to queue
lock.acquire(key, priorityFn, cb, {skipQueue: true}); // jumps queue and runs before fn2


See Changelog


See issue tracker.
