rohKane / Kane-qb-hud-Nopixel-4.0-inspired

This is a Heavily edited of QBCore Hud by kane into Nopixel 4.0 inspired design with manual transmission.
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Heavily edited of QBCore Hud by me into Nopixel 4.0 inspired design with manual transmission.


Add Manual transmission car

Things you should know:


Q: Why do my borders not align with the maps?

A: Most of the time it generally means your safezone is not set to default in your GTA settings. (Settings/Display/"Restore Defaults")

Q: How do I enable dev mode?

A: Simple! All you have to do is type /admin and navigate through the menu to the last section called "Developer Options" and inside there you should see "Dev Mode", this will keep you invincible and add a cool developer icon in your circles/radials

Q: What does the purple circle/radial do?

A: That is your harness indicator! When you have the item "harness" in your inventory and while in a vehicle it will appear. Also, when you use your item "harness", the circle/radial will reflect the amount of uses left and decrease overtime.