rojeras / tpinfo-frontend

GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
1 stars 3 forks source link


tpinfo-frontend consists of two web application showing information about integration and number of calls passing through RIV-TA based service platforms. The applications are:

hippo -
statistik -

(The backend reside in its own repository, see

The Applications in tpinfo-frontend are defined as separate views in a shared code base.

Building blocks

tpinfo-frontend is implemented in Kotlin. Kotlin is a modern, functional, strongly typed language. Kotlin is used on many platforms, not the least Android where Google is promoting it. The language can also be used for web development, Kotlin/JS. It was selected for tpinfo as a better alternative than Javascript.
KVision was further selected as the base framework. It contains a large number of ready to use GUI components and interfaces to known Javascript libraries. In tpinfo the following are used:



tpinfo has been developed with IntelliJ Ultimate (it is an amazing development environment). In addition to an IDE you need to install up-to-date versions of git and gradle.

Then, to get started, just clone this repo and open it as a project in a modern IDE (preferably IntelliJ). Use the gradle tasks to control the development process.


When starting from the template project you need to remove line sourceMaps = false from build.gradle.kts and remove line config.devtool = 'eval-cheap-source-map' from webpack.config.d/webpack.js. After this you should see all kotlin sources in the Sources panel of Chrome dev tools. And also you will see correct file name and line number in the console panel when you do console.log() in your code.
This step has been performed in tpinfo-frontend.

Participate in tpinfo development

This is a preliminary process how to participate and make changes in this tpinfo repo.

  1. Identify a change you want to make
  2. Log on to github
  3. Go to the rojeras/tpinfo-frontend repo
  4. Open an issue and describe the change. Wait for feedback from the repo owner.
  5. Fork the repo.
  6. Create a new branch out of the develop branch, and give it a meaningful name. A good introduction and best practice to git branching can be found at
  7. Hack away in your new branch. Use the issue to discuss your change.
  8. When done, create a pull request. Be sure to
    • Refer to the open issue
    • Describe your change
    • Include the name of your branch
  9. If all is well your change will be accepted and merge into the original repo.
  10. Delete your fork.

Local testing

Use the other/run gradle task to compile, build and start and instance of the application. If there are no errors it will start and listen to port 2000. Use the following URL to access it: http://localhost:2000/

A test scenario, in Swedish, is available here.

Remote access to devserver

To access the dev-server from another computer (Windows) on the same lan. In webpack.config.d/webpack.js add: = '';

inside if (config.devServer)

Build production image

A small build script, buildDockerImage.kts, is available in the bin/ folder. It is implemented as a Kotlin script, and kscript must be installed on the build machine.

➜  tpinfo-frontend git:(develop) ✗ bin/buildDockerImage.kts --help
One of '--run' or '--push' must be specified!

This script builds a hippo frontend in a docker image.
It must be run from the base dir in the git project.
The branch must be committed.
The commit must be annotated with a semver version to be able to push the image.

Usage: script_name [-p] [-r] [-c] [-h]

     -p | --push : Push image to NoGui docker registry 
     -r | --run : Run the docker image 
     -c | --clean : Do a gradle clean before the build 
     -h | --help : Show this help information 


To run the image in the Nogui server environment the docker-compose file for tpinfo must be updated to refer to the new version - and then restarted.

The build script write information about the actual version and build in the index.html file.

In the header:
<meta id="hippoVersion" content="7.1.1">
And at the end of the file:

Build information
Version:    7.1.1
Build time: 2021-03-12T14:52:49.927687
Git branch: master
Git hash:   550daf5

List of useful docker commands

docker container ls # Lista exekverande containers  
docker container ls -a # Lista alla containers  
docker image rm -f $(docker image ls -q) # Tag bort alla images  
docker pull rojeras/tpinfo-backend:latest # Läs ner image från docker hub  
docker tag rojeras/tpinfo-frontend:latest # Tagga imagen för att göra det möjligt att pusha till NGs registry  
docker push # Pusha en taggad image till NGs docker registry  
docker pull # Läs ner imagen från NGs registry (ex till tpinfo 
docker build --rm -t back5 . # Tag bort container back5 och återskapa imagen  
docker run -it back5 /bin/bash # Kör image back5 och ge kontroll till bash i container  
docker exec -it 3d48b2e5d748 /bin/bash # Attach and start bash in a running container  
docker save -o backend-image.tar rojeras/tpinfo-backend:latest # Save an image to a tar file  
docker load -o filename.tar # Load an image from a tar file 

To make a hotfix

  1. Check out the running version through its tag
    git co -b hotfix_7.0.8 v7.0.7
  2. Fix the problem and verify/test
  3. Add the changed files and commit the change
    git add src/main/kotlin/se/skoview/view/HippoTable.kt
    git ci -m "Implemented hotfix 7.0.8, clear search field after select"
  4. Merge the change to the develop branch (the branch which should be put in production)
    git co develop
    git merge --no-ff hotfix_7.0.8
  5. Tag the branch
    git tag -a v7.0.8 -m "Implemented hotfix 7.0.8, clear search field after select"
  6. Test the fix in a local container
    bin/buildDockerImage.kts -c -r
  7. Push the image to NoGui docker registry
    bin/buildDockerImage.kts  -p
  8. Start the container in tpinfo-a
    [larroj@tpinfo-a-web01 bin]$ docker container kill 5df76370cfdc
    [larroj@tpinfo-a-web01 bin]$ ./ 
    Please provide kvfrontend container tag as parameter
    [   larroj@tpinfo-a-web01 bin]$ ./ v7.0.8
  9. Verify
  10. Merge the hotfix to the current development head branch
    git merge --no-ff develop 
    Auto-merging src/main/kotlin/se/skoview/view/HippoTable.kt
    CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/main/kotlin/se/skoview/view/HippoTable.kt
    CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in
    Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

    In this case, the merge requires manual input.

  11. And finally, delete the hotfix branch
    git br -d hotfix_7.0.8

    KDoc documentation

    Code documentation is provided as KDoc. To access it:

  12. Run gradle task documentation/dokkaHtml
  13. Open the file build/dokka/index.html