rokudev / scenegraph-master-sample

Guides developers through each step in building a basic, high-performance Roku channel that passes certification
MIT License
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SceneGraph master sample

The SceneGraph Master Sample serves as a model for building a certification-compliant channel. It walks developers through each step in developing a basic, high-performance Roku channel that passes certification. It can be used as a reference when building a new Roku channel UI. Because this master sample is certification-compliant, it can also be used as a template for quickly creating and publishing a customized Roku channel.


To run the channels in the master channel, follow these steps:

  1. Download and then extract the master channel.

  2. In the extracted scenegraph-master-sample-master folder, expand the folder containing the channel you want to run and then compress the contents in the expanded folder to a ZIP file.

  3. Follow the steps in Loading and Running Your Application to enable developer mode on your device and sideload the ZIP file containing the sample onto it.