rokudev / unit-testing-framework

Tool for automating and testing Roku channels
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Exception when testStatObj is uninitialized #30

Closed ronenbit1 closed 5 years ago

ronenbit1 commented 5 years ago

Current Function: Thread selected: 1 1532:
1533: m.logger.AppendSuiteStatistic(totalStatObj, suiteStatObj) 1534:
1535: if TF_Utils__IsFunction(testSuite.TearDown) 1536: ...amework/UnitTestFramework.brs(1540) m.logger.PrintSuiteTeiafr Dtoewsnt(SttaesttOSbju.itRee.Nsaulmte) = "Fail" and m.failFast 1537: testSuite.TearDown() 1538: end if 1539:
if testStatObj.Result = "Fail" and m.failFast 1541: exit for 1542: end if 1543: end for 1544:
'Dot' Operator attempted with invalid BrightScript Component or interface reference. (runtime error &hec) in pkg:/source/testFramework/UnitTestFramework.brs(1540) 1540: if testStatObj.Result = "Fail" and m.failFast

The code should add : if testStatObj = "uninitialized" ...

RokuDevTools commented 5 years ago

@ronenbit1 @catalin-ursachi thanks for the help. fixed.