rokudev / unit-testing-framework

Tool for automating and testing Roku channels
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Unit Testing Framework

A tool for automating test suites for Roku channels.


The following framework allows developers to run unit tests and collect channel errors.

Current Implementation

Current implementation consists of Test Runner which collects all test cases and run them one by one, Base Test Suite contains assertion methods and Item Generator which allows to create different objects by given scheme.


The Test Runner collects all test suites with their test cases under the given directory. When all test cases are collected, the Test Runner runs them one by one and collects the results. After running all the test cases Test Runner outputs the statistic log with selected level of verbosity.

Every test suite must extend BaseTestSuite and must contain at least one test case.

Annotation approach

This is a project to show new approach in building unit tests functions.

It's based on JUnit 5 annotations approach

See JUnit guide

For now we support

Local build and run

Thanks for building on the Roku Platform!