rokudev / unit-testing-framework

Tool for automating and testing Roku channels
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Framework not working for RSGNode #44

Open Fyb3roptik opened 1 month ago

Fyb3roptik commented 1 month ago

Setup everything as the docs described. Once I moved my test calls to after screen.Show() it now gives me this error

BRIGHTSCRIPT: ERROR: roSGScreen.CreateScene: Type mismatch converting from 'Test__VideoPlayerUI' to 'Scene': pkg:/source/testFramework/UnitTestFramework.brs(1713)
Fyb3roptik commented 1 month ago

Also it suspends threads

Type Mismatch. Operator "<>" can't be applied to "roBoolean" and "String". (runtime error &h18) in pkg:/source/testFramework/UnitTestFramework.brs(1623)
#1  Function testrunner__run(statobj As Object, testsuitenameslist As Object) As Object
   file/line: pkg:/source/testFramework/UnitTestFramework.brs(1623)
#0  Function testframework__runnodetests(params As Object) As Object
   file/line: pkg:/source/testFramework/UnitTestFramework.brs(2327)
Local Variables:
statobj          roAssociativeArray refcnt=5 count:7
testsuitenameslist roArray refcnt=4 count:1
global           Interface:ifGlobal
m                roAssociativeArray refcnt=3 count:26
alltestcount     Integer val:1 (&h1)
totalstatobj     roAssociativeArray refcnt=5 count:7
testsuiteslist   roArray refcnt=2 count:1
globalerrorslist roArray refcnt=2 count:0
testsuite        roAssociativeArray refcnt=2 count:33
testcases        roArray refcnt=3 count:1
testcount        Integer val:1 (&h1)
is_new_approach  Boolean (2.1 was roBoolean) val:false
env              roAssociativeArray refcnt=1 count:0
suitestatobj     roAssociativeArray refcnt=1 count:8
teststatobj      roAssociativeArray refcnt=1 count:5
testcase         roAssociativeArray refcnt=3 count:8
skiptest         Boolean val:false
testtimer        roTimespan refcnt=1
runresult        roBoolean refcnt=1 val:true
error            <uninitialized>
gthis            <uninitialized>
msg              <uninitialized>
filenamesstring  <uninitialized>
testsuiteobject  <uninitialized>
tmpmap           <uninitialized>
functionname     <uninitialized>
testnodes        <uninitialized>
testnodename     <uninitialized>
testnode         <uninitialized>
testsuitename    <uninitialized>
params           <uninitialized>
tmp              <uninitialized>
title            <uninitialized>