rokwire / safer-illinois-app

Source code repository of "Safer Illinois" App - the official COVID-19 app of the University of Illinois.
Apache License 2.0
33 stars 23 forks source link

Safer Illinois App

The official COVID-19 app of the University of Illinois. Powered by the Rokwire Platform.

For academic references, please cite our formal release on Zenodo.


Flutter v2.2.2

Android Studio 3.6+

Xcode 12.5

CocoaPods 1.9.3+


Clone this repo

Supply the following private configuration files:

• /.travis.yml

[No description available]

• /secrets.tar.enc

[No description available]

• /assets/configs.json.enc

  1. JSON data with the following format:
    "production": {
    "config_url": "",
    "dev": {
    "config_url": "",
    "test": {
    "config_url": "",
  2. Generate random 16-bytes AES128 key.
  3. AES encrypt the JSON string, CBC mode, PKCS7 padding, using the AES.
  4. Create a data blob contains the AES key at the beginning followed by the encrypted data.
  5. Get a base64 encoded string of the data blob and save it as /assets/configs.json.enc.

Alternatively, you can use AESCrypt.encode from /lib/utils/Crypt.dart to generate content of /assets/configs.json.enc.

NB: For versions prior to 2.8.

• /assets/organizations.hook.json.enc

  1. JSON data with the following format:
    "url": "",
  2. Generate random 16-bytes AES128 key.
  3. AES encrypt the JSON string, CBC mode, PKCS7 padding, using the AES.
  4. Create a data blob contains the AES key at the beginning followed by the encrypted data.
  5. Get a base64 encoded string of the data blob and save it as /assets/organizations.hook.json.enc.

Alternatively, you can use AESCrypt.encode from /lib/utils/Crypt.dart to generate content of /assets/organizations.hook.json.enc.

NB: For version 2.8 and later.

• /assets/organizations.json.enc

  1. JSON data with the following format:
        "id": "uiuc",
        "name": "UIUC",
        "icon_url": "",
        "default": true,
        "environments": {
            "production": {
                "url": "",
                "api_key": "XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
                "default": "release"
            "dev": {
                "url": "",
                "api_key": "XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
                "default": "debug"
            "test": {
                "url": "",
  2. Generate random 16-bytes AES128 key.
  3. AES encrypt the JSON string, CBC mode, PKCS7 padding, using the AES.
  4. Create a data blob contains the AES key at the beginning followed by the encrypted data.
  5. Get a base64 encoded string of the data blob and save it as /assets/organizations.json.enc.

Alternatively, you can use AESCrypt.encode from /lib/utils/Crypt.dart to generate content of /assets/organizations.json.enc.

NB: Optional way to supply statically embeded organizations in appication bundle. If the list contains single organization definition the application switches to single organization mode. "/assets/organizations.hook.json.enc" must be omited from application assets in order to "/assets/organizations.json.enc" to take efect.

NB: For version 2.8 and later.

• /ios/Runner/GoogleService-Info-Debug.plist

• /ios/Runner/GoogleService-Info-Release.plist

The Firebase configuration file for iOS generated from Google Firebase console.

• /android/

Contains a GoogleMaps and Android Backup API keys.


• /android/app/src/debug/google-services.json

• /android/app/src/release/google-services.json

• /android/app/src/profile/google-services.json

The Firebase configuration file for Android generated from Google Firebase console.

Build the project

$ flutter build apk
$ flutter build ios

NB: You may need to update singing & capabilities content for Runner project by opening /ios/Runner.xcworkspace from Xcode