This plugin adds feature to connect to GCP to publish/subscribe messages to the topic
Required Components
- Apache Jmeter/DI-Jmeter
- GCP Pubsub configs
Jar Dependencies Required
- google-cloud-pubsub-1.111.2.jar
- gson-2.2.4.jar
Jmeter Target
- Jmeter version 5.3 or above
- Java 8 or above
Installation Instructions
- Download the source code from the Gitlab.
- Just do a mvn clean install (Git bash is required)
- Jar will be generated under the target directory (jmeter-pubsub-sampler-1.1.jar).
- Copy the Jar to \<Jmeter Installed Directory>/lib/ext/ for DI Jmeter \<Jmeter Installed Directory>/di/plugins
How to use it
Add required config element (Publisher config/ Subscriber config)
- Provide the required credentials information in the Publisher config/ Subscriber config for the project
- To publish message, Add Publisher sampler to TG and then pass the message to publish
- To receive message, Add Subscriber sampler to TG to read the mesasges
Publisher Info
Apart from config element, Publisher sampler has Gzip compression feature
- The Flag in the sampler will allow the mechanism to publish the message with/without Gzip compression
- On successful publish of each message, GCP returns a unique Id which will be returned in response header.
- Supports attributes for messages being published
- Supports multiple topic publishing feature in the same test plan
Subscriber Info
The subscriber works perfectly. The current mechanism of Subscriber is
- The config elements creats a local queue to store the messages received from the GCP.
- Currently the Queue size is hardcoded to 100K
- The Subscriber sampler is bound to read it form the queue, which is already subscribed by the Message receiver(which is a separate client library's thread)
- The subscriber sampler is reading and removing the message from the queue. In future, will change the ack to be done by the sampler.
- When the susbcriber sampler is triggered and If there is no messages in the queue, It will wait until a new message arrive to process it.
- each message retrieved from the subscriber will have the message ID and publish time info along with the message.
- The message ID and publish time info will be returned in response headers and message on response body
- The subscriber sampler supports De-Compression, If the message is in gzip compressed format.
- Supports multiple topic subscription feature in the same test plan
- Upgraded pub-sub client version to 1.111.2
- Supports Attributes for sending messages
- Supports multi-topic publishing, subscribing on same test plan
Below are the references which guided to build this plugin.
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