rollout / cloudbees-openfeature-provider-go

CloudBees Feature Management provider for OpenFeature SDK for golang
Apache License 2.0
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CloudBees Feature Management provider for OpenFeature

a OpenFeature Specification OpenFeature SDK CloudBees Rox SDK

This is the CloudBees provider implementation for OpenFeature for the Go SDK.

OpenFeature provides a vendor-agnostic abstraction layer on Feature Flag management.

This provider allows the use of CloudBees Feature Management as a backend for Feature Flag configurations.



Add it to your build

go get


Follow the instructions on the Go SDK project for how to use the Go SDK.

You can configure the CloudBees provider by doing the following:

package main

import (


func main() {
    appKey := "INSERT_APP_KEY_HERE"
    if provider, err := cloudbees.NewProvider(appKey); err == nil {
        client := openfeature.NewClient("app")
        value, err := client.BooleanValue(context.Background(), "enableTutorial", false, openfeature.EvaluationContext{})
        fmt.Printf("flag value: %v, error: %v", value, err)
    } else {
        fmt.Printf("error creating client %v", err)