Map objects returned from Neo4j graph traversals using the Ruby Object Mapper toolkit.
Install with Rubygems:
gem install rom-neo4j
Or add the dependency to your Gemfile
gem 'rom-neo4j'
Right now, the fastest way to get started is to run the tests.
You’ll need to have Neo4j installed on your system. If it’s not already running, start the database server with:
neo4j start
To load the sample movies graph, go to http://localhost:7474/browser/
and click through the instructions or type :play movie graph
in the console to start.
Once the movies graph is loaded, the integration specs should run:
rspec specs/integration
setup.relation(:movies) do
matches m: :Movie
returns m: [:title, :released, :tagline]
def titled(title)
where('m.title' => title)
movie = rom.relation(:movies).titled('The Matrix').one
movie.title # => "The Matrix"
movie.updated # => 1999
setup.relation(:directors) do
matches '(director:Person)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie:Movie)'
returns 'DISTINCT as name'
def by_movie(title)
where('movie.title' => title)
director = rom.relation(:directors).by_movie('RescueDawn').one # => "Werner Herzog"