romainrg / rabbitmq_client

CodeIgniter Library used to easilly interract with RabbitMQ 🐰❤
GNU General Public License v3.0
15 stars 7 forks source link

rabbitmq_client (CodeIgniter)

CodeIgniter Library used to easilly interract with RabbitMQ 🐰❤

:books: Dependencies

:beginner: Installation

:arrow_right: Step 1 : Library installation by Composer

Just by running following command in the folder of your project :

composer require romainrg/rabbitmq_client

Or by adding following lines to your composer.json file :

"require": {
    "romainrg/rabbitmq_client": "^6.2.0"

Don't forget to include your autoload to CI config file :

$config['composer_autoload'] = FCPATH.'vendor/autoload.php';

:arrow_right: Step 2 : Run a composer update in the directory of your project with the following command :

$ composer require romainrg/rabbitmq_client

:arrow_right: Step 3 : Create the following config file

You have to create it in the CI config folder located in ./application/config/rabbitmq.php

defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');

 * Config for Rabbit MQ Library
$config['rabbitmq'] = array(
    'host' => 'localhost',     // <- Your Host       (default: localhost)
    'port' => 5672,            // <- Your Port       (default: 5672)
    'user' => 'username',      // <- Your User       (default: guest)
    'pass' => 'password',      // <- Your Password   (default: guest)
    'vhost' => '/',            // <- Your Vhost      (default: /)
    'allowed_methods' => null, // <- Allowed methods (default: null)
    'non_blocking' => false,   // <- Your Host       (default: false)
    'timeout' => 0             // <- Timeout         (default: 0)          

:arrow_right: Step 4 : Load the library in your CI Core Controller file

(Or just in a CI Controller)

$this->load->add_package_path(APPPATH . 'third_party/rabbitmq');
$this->load->remove_package_path(APPPATH . 'third_party/rabbitmq');

:arrow_right: Step 5 : Enjoy and give me some improvements or ideas ! ;)


:arrow_right: Pushing some datas in a Queue:

This will create, if it does not exist, the 'hello_queue' queue and insert 'Hello World !' text inside it.

$this->rabbitmq->push('hello_queue', 'Hello World !');

If you want to run your CI Controller Method with CLI command :

$ php 'controller' 'method'

You will have the following return

$ [+] Pushing 'Hello World !' to 'hello_queue' -> OK

:arrow_right: Fetching some datas from a Queue (only in CLI at this time):

This will fetch last inserted datas from the 'hello_queue' in real time, with parmanent mode activated and '_process' callback function.

The PHP Code :

return $this->rabbitmq->pull('hello_queue', true, array($this, '_process'));

Run it in CLI :

$ php 'controller' 'method'

:arrow_right: Pushing some datas in a Queue with additional parameters:

This will create, if it does not exist, the 'hello_queue' queue and insert 'Hello World !' text inside it, the third parameter TRUE set the durability of the 'hello_queue' (TRUE = permanent, FALSE = not permanent), the last parameter 'delivery_mode (2)' makes message persistent (you can also add some parameters to this array).

$this->rabbitmq->push('hello_queue', 'Hello World !', TRUE, array('delivery_mode' => 2));

For more CodeIgniter libraries, give me a :beer::grin:

> Beer road

:lock: License

GNU General Public License v3.0