romaintailhurat / darkr

R API for the Trevas VTL engine :8ball:
MIT License
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darkr is an R package that wraps Trevas, a Java VTL engine.

What is VTL ?

VTL is a standard language for defining validation and transformation rules (set of operators, their syntax and semantics) for any kind of statistical data

For more information, follow this.

How to use it?

darkr will be available on CRAN as soon as a sufficiently large set of features is developed and tested.

For now, you need to clone this repository, open the project in RStudio, then load the package using devtools::load_all().

You could also install it via devtools::install_github("romaintailhurat/darkr").

Once done, try:

res <- darkr::vtl_eval("a := 3 * 3; b := 33; c := a + b;")
# 42

You can also use a VTL expression over a dataframe:

df <- darkr:::mock_df()
# names(df)
# [1] "id"   "name" "age"
ds <- darkr::df_to_ds(df)
new_ds <- darkr::vtl_eval("new_ds := ds[ drop age ];", ds)
new_df <- darkr::ds_to_df(new_ds)
# names(new_df)
# [1] "id"   "name"


This is a work in progress, some important parts are missing:


How to developp?


Java dependency

For now, in order to include Trevas as a jar, you need to clone the GitHub repo, and produce the jar file using mvn package and then copy it.

In two steps :

cd ~/code/vtl/Trevas/vtl-engine/
mvn package


cd ~/code/vtl/darkr/
cp ../Trevas/vtl-engine/target/vtl-engine-0.1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar ./java/

Why the name?

Because the package is using Trevas, the Java VTL engine, and trevas means "darkness" in Portuguese.