romeobleonor / ui_demo

0 stars 1 forks source link

Collection - CSS, jQuery, Webpack, ES6 and HTML demos


  1. March 03, 2016 - 10:36 p.m

    • Create a repo on github ui_demo
    • Clone to your local machine git clone
    • Initiate a first commit
      • Creates package.json - npm init
      • Add the changes - git add
      • Execute first commit - git commit -m 'first commit'
      • Publish the initial updates - git push origin master
    • Install packages: (webpack, webpack-dev-server, node-sass, css-loader, style-loader, file-loader)
    • Create webpack.config.js for each demo
    • Accordion demo

      All ROADS that lead to SUCCESS have to pass through HARD WORK boulevard at some point

  2. March 04, 2016

    • XXX