romerb / apertoapranzo

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Aperto a pranzo

:hamburger: :fries: :poultry_leg: :meat_on_bone: :spaghetti: :curry: :fried_shrimp: :bento: :sushi: :fish_cake: :rice_ball: :rice_cracker: :rice: :ramen: :stew: :oden: :dango: :egg: :bread: :doughnut: :custard: :icecream: :ice_cream: :shaved_ice: :cake: :cookie: :chocolate_bar: :watermelon: :strawberry:

App to check open restaurants open at pranzo XD Close to where you are or close to given address

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Install dependancies:

bundle install

 Run application

Run the server:

bin/rails s

and visit localhost:3000.



Copyright (c) 2015 RomeRB, released under the New BSD License