romm / configuration_object

Transform any configuration plain array into a dynamic and configurable object structure, and pull apart configuration handling from the main logic of your script. Use provided services to add more functionality to your objects: cache, parents, persistence and much more.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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configuration extbase object typo3

Configuration Object Configuration Object

Warning This package is no longer maintained. As a more stable alternative, you may use package cuyz/valinor.

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Its principal goal is to **pull apart the configuration handling from the main logic of an application**, so the script can focus on **using the already validated configuration during its whole process**. ### Problem When a script uses a configuration tree to handle parts of an application, this tree is often **analyzed step by step during the script execution**; if a value contains a mistake, the script can be forced to stop, too early (*the whole process did not run entirely*) but also too late (*some sensitive operations may already have run*). Moreover, **the deeper** the configuration tree is, **the harder** it is to handle and prevent all the possible configuration mistakes. When it comes to configuration which may be customized by any third-party user (which happens often in TYPO3 thanks to TypoScript), validation rules have to be **well thought and strong** to prevent the user from breaking your own API scripts because of a configuration mistake. ### Solution Use **Configuration Object** to export the handling of your configuration: let the whole **creation and validation processes be managed outside of your application**, and enjoy the **many other features provided by the API** (cache management, parents, persistence and more). It is **simple, fast and reliable**. ## Example Imagine you have this configuration array: ```php $myCompany = [ 'name' => 'My Company', 'employees' => [ [ 'name' => 'John Doe', 'gender' => 'Male', 'email' => '' ], [ 'name' => 'Jane Doe', 'gender' => 'Female', 'email' => '' ] ] ]; ``` While this example is quite simple, it allows us to understand easily how this API works. Below stands an example of how this configuration could look like using **Configuration Object API**. You can see that **two services** are used: - **Cache service** It will store the whole company object, and its sub-objects, in a cache entry after they have been created. This will improve performances for next times the object must be fetched. - **Parents service** With this service, the class `Employee` is able to retrieve the data from its parent (the class `Company`). In this example, we use it to dynamically generate an email address for the employee, if none was assigned. ```php namespace MyVendor\MyExtensions\Company; use Romm\ConfigurationObject\ConfigurationObjectInterface; use Romm\ConfigurationObject\Traits\ConfigurationObject\DefaultConfigurationObjectTrait; use Romm\ConfigurationObject\Traits\ConfigurationObject\MagicMethodsTrait; use MyVendor\MyExtensions\Model\Company\Employee; class Company implements ConfigurationObjectInterface { use DefaultConfigurationObjectTrait; use MagicMethodsTrait; const CACHE_NAME = 'cache_company'; /** * @var string * @validate NotEmpty */ protected $name; /** * @var \ArrayObject */ protected $employees; /** * @return ServiceFactory */ public static function getConfigurationObjectServices() { return ServiceFactory::getInstance() ->attach(ServiceInterface::SERVICE_CACHE) ->setOption(CacheService::OPTION_CACHE_NAME, self::CACHE_NAME) ->attach(ServiceInterface::SERVICE_PARENTS); } } ``` --- ```php namespace MyVendor\MyExtensions\Company; use Romm\ConfigurationObject\Service\Items\Parents\ParentsTrait; use Romm\ConfigurationObject\Traits\ConfigurationObject\MagicMethodsTrait; class Employee { use ParentsTrait; use MagicMethodsTrait; /** * @var string * @validate NotEmpty */ protected $name; /** * @var string * @validate NotEmpty * @validate Romm.ConfigurationObject:HasValues(values=Male|Female) */ protected $gender; /** * @var string * @validate EmailAddress */ protected $email; /** * Returns the email of the employee. * * If the email was not registered, a default one is assigned to * him, based on its name and its company name. * * Example: `John Doe` of the company `My Company` will be assigned * the default email: ``. * * @return string */ public function getEmail() { if (null === $this->email && $this->hasParent(Company::class) ) { $sanitizedEmployeeName = SomeUtility::sanitizeStringForEmail($this->getName()); $company = $this->getParent(Company::class); $sanitizedCompanyName = SomeUtility::sanitizeStringForEmail($company->getName(), '-'); $this->email = vprintf( '', [$sanitizedEmployeeName, $sanitizedCompanyName] ); } return $this->email; } } ```