ronaldlam / Autotrageur

Automated arbitrageur
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The automated arbitrageur


We use setuptools-scm to automate versioning in code. Once a git tag is made, use this to retrieve the current version:

from setuptools_scm import get_version
version = get_version()

By default, the working version if changes are made automatically increment the last numeric component of the tag. See here for details. If the current changes do not warrant a change in at least the hotfix number, this can be used to keep the existing last tag as the version prefix:

version = get_version(version_scheme='post-release')

Using this means that version tagging needs to be part of the development branch history, and merging back into staging before branching into development branches will be necessary.

Updating dependencies

Third party dependencies

We have at least one nested dependency that is platform specific. Instead of pip freeze to list dependencies, use pipdeptree -f | grep -P '^[\w0-9\-=.]+' to get only top level dependencies. To save:

pipdeptree -f | grep -P '^[\w0-9\-=.]+' > requirements.txt

See pipdeptree docs for more details.

OSX instructions

By default, BSD grep does not have the -P flag. See here and use this instead:

pipdeptree -f | perl -nle 'print if m{^[\w0-9\-=.]+}' > requirements.txt

First party dependencies

In order to install directly from pip, the desired package must either be available through the default package index or specified directly. We access our internal libraries through the requirements.txt file by replacing firstpartylibs-<version> with:


See the internal FirstPartyLibs repository for more details.

Run Bandit

Security focused static code analysis tool. Optionally run with -v for list of files checked.

pip install bandit
bandit -r bot libs analytics *.py

Run safety

Checks dependencies against database of known vulnerabilities. Updated monthly, so run every month or whenever dependencies are updated.

pip install safety
safety check -r requirements.txt

Run Autotrageur

The following are examples of commands that would work. Top level scripts listed below are documented using docopt, so using a -h command will bring up usage instructions.

Script list