Package for solving the scalar wave equation with a linear array of scattering spheres. Possibility to solve for constant potential well and hard spheres i.e. infinite potential.
pip install pyScatSpheres
The installation requires external system based installations :
Those packages can be installed on linux with
apt-get install gfortran
apt-get install tex-live
A gui is available to interactively display pre calculated solutions.
import os
from pyScatSpheres import gui_base as hsa_gui
#fetch built-in solution
hsa_e = hsa_gui.GUI_handler(df_path)
New sets of solution can be calculated and solved to a pickle using the API.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pyScatSpheres import qdot_sphere_array as qsa
from pyScatSpheres import glob_colors as colors
kas = [0.5,2,5]
kds = [2,5,10]
kps = [1.2]
kas,kps,kds = np.meshgrid(kas,kps,kds)
kas,kps,kds = kas.flatten(),kps.flatten(),kds.flatten()
cols = ['N','ka','kp','kd','nmax','sigma','ap','bp']
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=cols)
for ka,kp,kd in zip(kas,kps,kds):
nmax = max(int(np.ceil(1.3*ka)),int(ka)+4)
s = qsa.QdotSphereArray(N=N,ka=ka,kp=kp,kd=kd*ka,nmax=10,solve=1,copt=1)
sig = s.get_s(npts=1000)
print('DataFrame saved:\n'+